Sunday, September 18, 2011

One Child

What is worth fighting for? In my opinion equality between men and women is a fundamental human rights principle.However throughout history different cultures and countries have shown preference for men or women socially, politically or economically. I believe equality between men and women and women’s rights are worth fighting for, particularly the rights of the girl child.
One example of how girls are discriminated and treated unequally is China’s one child policy which started in 1978.. The policy was implemented in response to China’s rising population and desire for economic success. Under the policymarried couples in China were only allowed to have one child.Traditionally, in Chinese culture boys carry on the family name and are expected to care for their parents in old age.Girls when they are married move to live with their inlaws. So having a boy is desirable.
The policy created a situation where families desired boys even more because they only had one opportunity. Many poor families in particular became so desperate for a boy that they resorted to severe practices to ensure they had sons. Some gave baby girls up for adoption.Others found out through ultrasound what the sex of the fetus was and if it was a girl, aborted it. Other killed the baby girls. This is known as female infanticide and is a horrible crime.
These are serious human rights abuses and violations of the rights of the girl child. As a result of this policy and the discriminatory practices that it led to, China’s boy to girl ratio is growing wider and wider. China is estimated to have 30million more boys than girls as a result of the policy. This has led to even further abuses of women and girls' rights in China. Because there is a shortage of women, female trafficking and prostitution have increased in China.
So, a policy which on the one hand helped to reduce china’s population and improve the quality of life in China has in fact had a negative impact on girls.Today in China the policy is less strict but it will take China a long time to recover from the loss of so many girls. This is why gender inequality is such a discrimintary issue one that should be stopped. More advocacy is needed to fight for the equality.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with how many cultures have preferences of either the female or male gender, and I also agree that China does have a cultural preferences for boys. I did not know that there was a 30 million people difference between the genders, and that was quite astonishing! Also, the fact that there still is prostituting in China is also new to me, but I guess the Chinese government does cover thins up quite well. This blog post has been very informing to me.

    However, I think you need to clarify the focus of your blogpost. For me, I cannot determine if your post focuses more on China's one child policy or more on gender inequality. Your post is titled "One Child" which refers to the policy and you often write that the policy has created a negative impact on girls. On the other hand, you began and ended your blog post with gender inequality issues. There are some issues here.

    Since your blog post is an opinion, not a report, I think you should back up your opinion with some hard facts. You speak of increases and decreases in this and that, but you give very few numbers, which, for me, makes it less believable.

    (oh and sorry, I posted this comment once already, but I deleted it 'cause I made a mistake.)
